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object, 42, 79


automatic, 205, 251


dynamically allocated, 458463


const object, 460


delete, 460


factory program, 461


initialization, 459


lifetime, 450


new, 458


lifetime, 204, 252


local static, 205, 252


order of destruction


class type object, 502


derived class object, 627


multiple inheritance, 805


virtual base classes, 815


order of initialization


class type object, 289


derived class object, 598, 623


multiple inheritance, 804


virtual base classes, 814


object code, 252


object file, 208, 252


object-oriented programming, 650


oct, manipulator, 754


octal, literal (0num), 38


octal escape sequence (\nnn), 39


off-the-beginning iterator, 351, 373


before_begin, 351


forward_list, 351




iterator, 106, 132, 373


iterator range, 331


pointer, 118


ofstream, 311, 316320, 324


see also ostream


close, 318


file marker, 765


file mode, 319


initialization, 317


off_type, 766


open, 318


pos_type, 766


random access, 765


random IO program, 766


seek and tell, 763768


old-style, cast, 164


open, file stream, 318


operand, 134, 169


conversion, 159


operator, 134, 169


operator alternative name, 46


operator delete


class member, 822


global function, 820, 863


operator delete[]


class member, 822


compared to deallocate, 823


global function, 820


operator new


class member, 822


global function, 820, 863


operator new[]


class member, 822


compared to allocate, 823


global function, 820


operator overloading, see overloaded operator




arithmetic, 139


assignment, 12, 144147


binary, 134, 168


bitwise, 152156


bitset, 725


comma (,), 157


compound assignment, 12


conditional (?:), 151


decrement, 147149


equality, 18, 141


increment, 12, 147149


input, 8




addition and subtraction, 111


arrow, 110


dereference, 107


equality, 106, 108


increment and decrement, 107


relational, 111


logical, 141


member access, 150


noexcept, 780


output, 7


overloaded, arithmetic, 560




addition and subtraction, 119


equality, 120


increment and decrement, 118


relational, 120, 123


subscript, 121


relational, 12, 141, 143




+= (compound assignment), 564


+ (addition), 560


== (equality), 561


!= (inequality), 561


>> (input operator), 558


<< (output operator), 557


Sales_item, 20


scope, 82


sizeof, 156


sizeof..., 700




addition, 89


equality and relational, 88


IO, 85


subscript, 9395


subscript, 116


typeid, 826, 864


unary, 134, 169




equality and relational, 102


subscript, 103105


options to main, 218


order of destruction


class type object, 502


derived class object, 627


multiple inheritance, 805


virtual base classes, 815


order of evaluation, 134, 169


&& (logical AND), 138


|| (logical OR), 138


, (comma operator), 138


?: (conditional operator), 138


expression, 137


pitfalls, 149


order of initialization


class type object, 289


derived class object, 598


multiple base classes, 816


multiple inheritance, 804


virtual base classes, 814


ordered container


see also container


see also associative container


key_type requirements, 425


lower_bound, 438


override default comparison, 425


upper_bound, 438


ordering, strict weak, 425, 448


OrQuery, 637


class definition, 644


eval function, 645


ostream, 5, 27, 311


see also manipulator


<< (output operator), 7


precedence and associativity, 155


chained output, 7


condition state, 312


explicit conversion to bool, 583


file marker, 765


floating-point notation, 757


flushing output buffer, 314


format state, 753


no copy or assign, 311


not flushed if program crashes, 315


off_type, 766


output format, floating-point, 755


pos_type, 766


precision member, 756


random access, 765


random IO program, 766


seek and tell, 763768


tie member, 315


virtual base class, 810


write, 763


ostream_iterator, 403, 418


<< (output operator), 405


algorithms, 404


initialization, 405


operations, 405


type requirements, 406


ostringstream, 311, 321, 321323


see also ostream


file marker, 765


initialization, 321


off_type, 766


phone number program, 323


pos_type, 766


random access, 765


random IO program, 766


seek and tell, 763768


str, 323


out (file mode), 319


out-of-range value, signed, 35


out_of_range, 197


at function, 348


out_of__stock, 783


outer scope, 48, 79


output, standard, 6


output iterator, 411, 418


overflow, 140


overflow_error, 197


overhead, function call, 238


overload resolution, see function matching


overloaded function, 230, 230235, 252


see also function matching


as friend, 281


compared to redeclaration, 231


compared to template specialization, 708


const parameters, 232


constructor, 262


function template, 694699


linkage directive, 860


member function, 273


const, 276


move-enabled, 545


reference qualified, 547


virtual, 621


move-enabled, 545


namespace, 800


pointer to, 248


scope, 234


derived hides base, 619


using declaration, 800


in derived class, 621


using directive, 801


overloaded operator, 135, 169, 500, 550, 552, 590


++ (increment), 566568


-- (decrement), 566568


* (dereference), 569


StrBlobPtr, 569


& (address-of), 554


-> (arrow operator), 569


StrBlobPtr, 569


[] (subscript), 564


StrVec, 565


() (call operator), 571


absInt, 571


PrintString, 571


= (assignment), 500, 563


StrVec initializer_list, 563


+= (compound assignment), 555, 560


Sales_data, 564


+ (addition), Sales_data, 560


== (equality), 561


Sales_data, 561


!= (inequality), 562


Sales_data, 561


< (less-than), strict weak ordering, 562


>> (input operator), 558559


Sales_data, 558


<< (output operator), 557558


Sales_data, 557


&& (logical AND), 554


|| (logical OR), 554


& (bitwise AND), Query, 644


| (bitwise OR), Query, 644


~ (bitwise NOT), Query, 643


, (comma operator), 554


ambiguous, 588


arithmetic operators, 560


associativity, 553


binary operators, 552


candidate function, 587


consistency between relational and equality operators, 562


definition, 500, 552


design, 554556


equality operators, 561


explicit call to, 553


postfix operators, 568


function matching, 587589


member function, 500, 552


member vs. nonmember function, 552, 555


precedence, 553


relational operators, 562


requires class-type parameter, 552


short-circuit evaluation lost, 553


unary operators, 552


override, virtual function, 595, 650


override specifier, 593, 596, 606

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