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fact program, 202


factorial program, 227


factory program


new, 461


shared_ptr, 453


fail, 313


failbit, 312


failure, new, 460


file, source, 4


file extension, program, 730


version 2, 738


file marker, stream, 765


file mode, 319, 324


file redirection, 22


file static, 792, 817


file stream, see fstream


fill, 380, 874


fill_n, 381, 874


final specifier, 600


class, 600


virtual function, 607




algorithm, 376, 871


associative container, 437, 438


string, 364


find last word program, 408


find_char program, 211


find_first_of, 872


find_first_not_of, string, 365


find_first_of, 872


string, 365


find_if, 388, 397, 414, 871


find_if_not, 871


find_if_not_of, 871


find_last_not_of, string, 366


find_last_of, string, 366


findBook, program, 721


fixed manipulator, 757




bitset, 727


program, 694


flip1, program, 692


flip2, program, 693


float, 33


literal (numF or numf), 41


floating-point, 32


conversion, 35


literal, 38


output format, 755


output notation, 757


flow of control, 11, 172, 200


flush, manipulator, 315


Folder, see Message


for statement, 13, 27, 185, 185187, 200


condition, 13


execution flow, 186


for header, 185


range, 91, 187, 187189, 200


can’t add elements, 101, 188


multidimensional array, 128


for_each, 391, 872


format state, stream, 753


formatted IO, 761, 769


forward, 694


argument-dependent lookup, 798


explicit template argument, 694


pack expansion, 705


passes argument type unchanged, 694, 705


usage pattern, 706


forward declaration, class, 279, 306


forward iterator, 411, 417




see also container


see also sequential container


before_begin, 351


forward iterator, 411


header, 329


initialization, 334337


list initialization, 336


merge, 415


overview, 327


remove, 415


remove_if, 415


reverse, 415


splice_after, 416


unique, 415


value initialization, 336


forwarding, 692694


passes argument type unchanged, 694


preserving type information, 692


rvalue reference parameters, 693, 705


typical implementation, 706


variadic template, 704


free, StrVec, 528


free library function, 823, 863


free store, 450, 491


friend, 269, 306


class, 280


class template type parameter, 666


declaration, 269


declaration dependencies


member function as friend, 281


template friends, 665


function, 269


inheritance, 614


member function, 280, 281


overloaded function, 281


scope, 270, 281


namespace, 799


template as, 664




queue, 371


sequential container, 346


StrBlob, 457


front_inserter, 402, 417


compared to inserter, 402


requires push_front, 402


fstream, 316320


close, 318


file marker, 765


file mode, 319


header, 310, 316


initialization, 317


off_type, 766


open, 318


pos_type, 766


random access, 765


random IO program, 766


seek and tell, 763768


function, 2, 27, 202, 251


see also return type


see also return value block, 204


body, 2, 27, 202, 251


callable object, 388


candidate, 251


candidate function, 243


constexpr, 239, 251


nonconstant return value, 239


declaration, 206


declaration and header file, 207


decltype returns function type, 250


default argument, 236, 251


adding default arguments, 237


and header file, 238


initializer, 238


deleted, 507, 549


function matching, 508


exception specification


noexcept, 779


throw(), 780


friend, 269


function to pointer conversion, 248


inline, 238, 252


and header, 240


linkage directive, 859


member, see member function


name, 2, 27


nonthrowing, 779, 818




compared to redeclaration, 231


friend declaration, 281


scope, 234


parameter, see parameter


parameter list, 2, 27, 202, 204


prototype, 207, 251


recursive, 227


variadic template, 701


scope, 204


viable, 252


viable function, 243


virtual, see virtual function


function, 577, 576579, 590


and pointer to member, 842


definition, 577


desk calculator, 577


function call


ambiguous, 234, 245, 251


default argument, 236


execution flow, 203


overhead, 238


through pointer to function, 248


through pointer to member, 839


to overloaded operator, 553


to overloaded postfix operator, 568


function matching, 233, 251


= delete, 508


argument, conversion, 234


candidate function, 243


overloaded operator, 587


const arguments, 246


conversion, class type, 583587


conversion operator, 585, 586


conversion rank, 245


class type conversions, 586


default argument, 243


enumeration, 835


function template, 694699


specialization, 708


integral promotions, 246


member function, 273


multiple parameters, 244


namespace, 800


overloaded operator, 587589


prefers more specialized function, 695


rvalue reference, 539


variadic template, 702


viable function, 243


function object, 571, 590


argument to algorithms, 572


arithmetic operators, 574


is callable object, 571


function parameter, see parameter


function parameter pack, 700


expansion, 703


pattern, 704


function pointer, 247250


callable object, 388


definition, 247


exception specification, 779, 781


function template instantiation, 686


overloaded function, 248


parameter, 249


return type, 204, 249


using decltype, 250


template argument deduction, 686


type alias declaration, 249


typedef, 249


function table, 577, 577, 590, 840


function template, 652, 713


see also template parameter


see also template argument deduction


see also instantiation argument conversion, 680


array function parameters, 654


candidate function, 695


compare, 652


string literal version, 654


constexpr, 655


declaration, 669


default template argument, 670


error detection, 657


explicit instantiation, 675, 675676


explicit template argument, 682


compare, 683


function matching, 694699


inline function, 655


nontype parameter, 654


overloaded function, 694699


parameter pack, 713


specialization, 707, 714


compare, 706


function matching, 708


is an instantiation, 708


namespace, 788


scope, 708


vs. overloading, 708


trailing return type, 684


type-dependent code, 658


function try block, 778, 817


functional header, 397, 399, 400, 575, 577, 843

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