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pair, 426, 448


default initialization, 427


definition, 426


initialization, 426


list initialization, 427, 431, 527


make_pair, 428


map, * (dereference), 429


operations, 427


public data members, 427


return value, 527


Panda, 803


parameter, 202, 208, 252


array, 214219


buffer overflow, 215


to pointer conversion, 214


C-style string, 216


const, 212


copy constructor, 496


ellipsis, 222


forwarding, 693


function pointer, linkage directive, 859


implicit this, 257


initialization, 203, 208


iterator, 216


lifetime, 205


low-level const, 213


main function, 218


multidimensional array, 218


nonreference, 209


uses copy constructor, 498


uses move constructor, 539


pass by reference, 210, 252


pass by value, 209, 252


passing, 208212


pointer, 209, 214


pointer to const, 246


pointer to array, 218


pointer to function, 249


linkage directive, 859


reference, 210214


to const, 213, 246


to array, 217


reference to const, 211


template, see template parameter


top-level const, 212


parameter list


function, 2, 27, 202


template, 653, 714


parameter pack, 714


expansion, 702, 702704, 714


function template, 713


sizeof..., 700


variadic template, 699


parentheses, override precedence, 136


partial_sort, 877


partial_sort_copy, 877


partial_sum, 882


partition, 876


partition_copy, 876


partition_point, 876


pass by reference, 208, 210, 252


pass by value, 209, 252


uses copy constructor, 498


uses move constructor, 539


pattern, 702, 714


function parameter pack, 704


regular expression, phone number, 739


template parameter pack, 703


peek, istream, 761


PersonInfo, 321


phone number, regular expression


program, 738


reformat program, 742


valid, 740




dynamic memory, 462


order of evaluation, 149


self-assignment, 512


smart pointer, 469


using directive, 795


placeholders, 399


placement new, 460, 491, 824, 863


union, class type member, 851


plus<T>, 575


pointer, 52, 5258, 79


++ (increment), 118


-- (decrement), 118


* (dereference), 53


[] (subscript), 121


= (assignment), 55


+ (addition), 119


- (subtraction), 119


== (equality), 55, 120


!= (inequality), 55, 120


and array, 117


arithmetic, 119, 132


const, 63, 78


const pointer to const, 63


constexpr, 67




from array, 161


to bool, 162


to const, 62, 162


to void*, 161


dangling, 463, 491


declaration style, 57


definition, 52


delete, 460


derived-to-base conversion, 597


under multiple inheritance, 805


dynamic_cast, 825


implicit this, 257, 306


initialization, 5254


invalid, 52


multidimensional array, 128


null, 53, 79


off-the-end, 118


parameter, 209, 214


relational operators, 123


return type, 204


return value, local variable, 225


smart, 450, 491


to const, 62


and typedef, 68


to array


parameter, 218


return type, 204


return type declaration, 229


to const, 79


overloaded parameter, 232, 246


to pointer, 58


typeid operator, 828


valid, 52


volatile, 856


pointer to function, 247250


auto, 249


callable object, 388


decltype, 249


exception specification, 779, 781


explicit template argument, 686


function template instantiation, 686


linkage directive, 859


overloaded function, 248


parameter, 249


return type, 204, 249


using decltype, 250


template argument deduction, 686


trailing return type, 250


type alias, 249


typedef, 249


pointer to member, 835, 863


arrow (->*), 837


definition, 836


dot (.*), 837


function, 838


and bind, 843


and function, 842


and mem_fn, 843


not callable object, 842


function call, 839


function table, 840


precedence, 838


polymorphism, 605, 650




priority_queue, 371


queue, 371


stack, 371




sequential container, 348


StrBlob, 457


pop_front, sequential container, 348


portable, 854


precedence, 134, 136137, 169


= (assignment), 146


?: (conditional operator), 151


assignment and relational operators, 146


dot and dereference, 150


increment and dereference, 148


of IO operator, 156


overloaded operator, 553


parentheses overrides, 136


pointer to member and call operator, 838


precedence table, 166


precision member, ostream, 756


predicate, 386, 418


binary, 386, 417


unary, 386, 418


prefix, smatch, 736


preprocessor, 76, 79


#include, 7


assert macro, 241, 251


header guard, 77


variable, 54, 79


prev_permutation, 879


print, Sales_data, 261


print program


array parameter, 215


array reference parameter, 217


pointer and size parameters, 217


pointer parameter, 216


two pointer parameters, 216


variadic template, 701




explained, 604


program, 593


PrintString, 571


() (call operator), 571


priority_queue, 371, 373


emplace, 371


empty, 371


equality and relational operators, 370


initialization, 369


pop, 371


push, 371


sequential container, 371


size, 371


swap, 371


top, 371




access specifier, 268, 306


copy constructor and assignment, 509


inheritance, 612, 650






Sales_data, 74


Sales_item, 21, 23


alternative_sum, 682


biggies, 391


binops desk calculator, 577


book from author version 1, 438


book from author version 2, 439


book from author version 3, 440




Sales_data, 255


Sales_data using algorithms, 406


Sales_item, 24


buildMap, 442


children’s story, 383391


compare, 652


count_calls, 206




additional nontemplate versions, 698


general template version, 695


nontemplate version, 697


pointer template version, 696


elimDups, 383391


error_msg, 221


fact, 202


factorial, 227




new, 461


shared_ptr, 453


file extension, 730


version 2, 738


find last word, 408


find_char, 211


findBook, 721


flip, 694


flip1, 692


flip2, 693


grade clusters, 103




bitset, 728


bitwise operators, 154


i before e, 729


version 2, 734


isShorter, 211


letter grade, 175


make_plural, 224


message handling, 519


phone number


istringstream, 321


ostringstream, 323


reformat, 742


regular expression version, 738


valid, 740




array parameter, 215


array reference parameter, 217


pointer and size parameters, 217


pointer parameter, 216


two pointer parameters, 216


variadic template, 701


print_total, 593


Query, 635


class design, 636639


random IO, 766




pointer parameters, 209


reference parameters, 210


restricted word_count, 422


sum, 682


swap, 223


TextQuery, 486


design, 485


transform, 442


valid, 740


vector capacity, 357


vowel counting, 179




map, 421


unordered_map, 444


word_transform, 441


ZooAnimal, 802


promotion, see integral promotion




access specifier, 595, 611, 650


inheritance, 612, 650


member, 611


ptr_fun deprecated, 401


ptrdiff_t, 120, 132




access specifier, 268, 306


inheritance, 612, 650


pure virtual function, 609, 650


Disc_quote, 609


Query_base, 636




priority_queue, 371


queue, 371


stack, 371




back_inserter, 382, 402


sequential container, 100, 132, 342


move-enabled, 545


StrVec, 526


move-enabled, 545




front_inserter, 402


sequential container, 342


put, istream, 761


putback, istream, 761

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