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dangling else, 177, 199


dangling pointer, 225, 463, 491


undefined behavior, 463


data abstraction, 254, 306


data hiding, 270


data member, see class data member


data structure, 19, 26


deallocate, allocator, 483, 528


debug_rep program


additional nontemplate versions, 698


general template version, 695


nontemplate version, 697


pointer template version, 696


DebugDelete, member template, 673


dec, manipulator, 754


decimal, literal, 38


declaration, 45, 78


class, 278, 305


class template, 669


class type, variable, 294


compound type, 57




member function as friend, 281


overloaded templates, 698


template friends, 665


template instantiation, 657


template specializations, 708


variadic templates, 702


derived class, 600


explicit instantiation, 675


friend, 269


function template, 669


instantiation, 713


member template, 673


template, 669


template specialization, 708


type alias, 68


using, 82, 132


access control, 615


overloaded inherited functions, 621


variable, 45


const, 60


declarator, 50, 79


decltype, 70, 79


array return type, 230


cbegin, 109, 379


cend, 109, 379


depends on form, 71


for type abbreviation, 88, 106, 129


of array, 118


of function, 250


pointer to function, 249


top-level const, 71


yields lvalue, 71, 135


decrement operators, 147149


default argument, 236, 251


adding default arguments, 237


and header file, 238


constructor, 290


default constructor, 291


function call, 236


function matching, 243


initializer, 238


static member, 304


virtual function, 607


default case label, 181, 199


default constructor, 263, 306


= default, 265


= delete, 507


default argument, 291


Sales_data, 262


StrVec, 526


synthesized, 263, 306


deleted function, 508, 624


derived class, 623


Token, 850


used implicitly


default initialization, 293


value initialization, 293


default initialization, 43


array, 336


built-in type, 43


class type, 44


string, 44, 84


uses default constructor, 293


vector, 97


default template argument, 670


class template, 671


compare, 670


function template, 670


template<>, 671


default_random_engine, 745, 769


defaultfloat manipulator, 757


definition, 79


array, 113


associative container, 423


base class, 594


class, 72, 256267


class template, 659


member function, 661


static member, 667


class template partial specialization, 711


derived class, 596


dynamically allocated object, 459


explicit instantiation, 675


function, 577


in if condition, 175


in while condition, 183


instantiation, 713


member function, 256260


multidimensional array, 126


namespace, 785


can be discontiguous, 786


member, 788


overloaded operator, 500, 552


pair, 426


pointer, 52


pointer to function, 247


pointer to member, 836


reference, 51


sequential container, 334


shared_ptr, 450


static member, 302


string, 84


template specialization, 706712


unique_ptr, 470, 472


variable, 41, 45


const, 60


variable after case label, 182


vector, 97


weak_ptr, 473


delegating constructor, 291, 306


delete, 460, 460463, 491


const object, 461


execution flow, 820


memory leak, 462


null pointer, 461


pointer, 460


runs destructor, 502


delete[], dynamically allocated array, 478


deleted function, 507, 549


deleter, 469, 491


shared_ptr, 469, 480, 491


unique_ptr, 472, 491


deprecated, 401


auto_ptr, 471


binary_function, 579


bind1st, 401


bind2nd, 401


generalized exception specification, 780


ptr_fun, 401


unary_function, 579


deque, 372


see also container, container member


see also sequential container


[] (subscript), 347


at, 348


header, 329


initialization, 334337


list initialization, 336


overview, 327


push_back, invalidates iterator, 354


push_front, invalidates iterator, 354


random-access iterator, 412


value initialization, 336


deref, StrBlobPtr, 475


derived class, 592, 649


see also virtual function


:: (scope operator) to access base-class member, 607


= (assignment), 626


access control, 613


as base class, 600


assgined or copied to base object, 603


base-to-derived conversion, not automatic, 602


constructor, 598


initializer list, 598


initializes direct base class, 610


initializes virtual base, 813


copy assignment, 626


copy constructor, 626


declaration, 600


default derivation specifier, 616


definition, 596


derivation list, 596, 649


access control, 612


derived object


contains base part, 597


multiple inheritance, 803


derived-to-base conversion, 597


accessibility, 613


key concepts, 604


multiple inheritance, 805


destructor, 627


direct base class, 600, 649


final, 600


friendship not inherited, 615


indirect base class, 600, 650


is user of base class, 614


member new and delete, 822


move assignment, 626


move constructor, 626


multiple inheritance, 803


name lookup, 617


order of destruction, 627


multiple inheritance, 805


order of initialization, 598, 623


multiple inheritance, 804


virtual base classes, 814


scope, 617


hidden base members, 619


inheritance, 617621


multiple inheritance, 807


name lookup, 618


virtual function, 620


static members, 599




copy control members, 623


deleted copy control members, 624


using declaration


access control, 615


overloaded inherited functions, 621


virtual function, 596


derived-to-base conversion, 597, 649


accessible, 613


key concepts, 604


multiple inheritance, 805


not base-to-derived, 602


shared_ptr, 630




access control, 614


Bulk_quote, 592


conversion operator, 581


Disc_quote, 608


equality and relational operators, 562


generic programs, 655


inheritance, 637


Message class, 520


namespace, 786


overloaded operator, 554556


Query classes, 636639


Quote, 592


reference count, 514


StrVec, 525


destination sequence, 381, 413


destroy, allocator, 482, 528


destructor, 452, 491, 501, 501503, 549


= default, 506


called during exception handling, 773


calls to virtual function, 627


container elements, 502


derived class, 627


doesn’t delete pointer mambers, 503


explicit call to, 824




reference counted, 515


valuelike, 512


local variables, 502


Message, 522


not deleted function, 508


not private, 509


order of destruction, 502


derived class, 627


multiple inheritance, 805


virtual base classes, 815


reference count, 514


rule of three/five, 505


virtual destructor, exception, 622


run by delete, 502


shared_ptr, 453


should not throw exception, 774


StrVec, 528


synthesized, 503, 550


deleted function, 508, 624


derived class, 623


multiple inheritance, 805


Token, 850


valuelike class, 512


virtual function, 622


virtual in base class, 622


development environment, integrated, 3


difference_type, 112


vector, 112


container, 131, 332


string, 112


direct base class, 600


direct initialization, 84, 131


emplace members use, 345




abstract base class, 610


class definition, 609


constructor, 609


design, 608


discriminant, 849, 862


Token, 850


distribution types


bernoulli_distribution, 752


default template argument, 750


normal_distribution, 751


random-number library, 745


uniform_int_distribution, 746


uniform_real_distribution, 750


divides<T>, 575


division rounding, 141


do while statement, 189, 200


domain_error, 197


double, 33


literal (numEnum or numenum), 38


output format, 755


output notation, 757


dynamic binding, 593, 650


requirements for, 603


static vs. dynamic type, 605


dynamic type, 601, 650


dynamic_cast, 163, 825, 825, 862


bad_cast, 826


to pointer, 825


to reference, 826


dynamically allocated, 450, 491


array, 476, 476484


allocator, 481


can’t use begin and end, 477


can’t use range for statement, 477


delete[], 478


empty array, 478


new[], 477


returns pointer to an element, 477


shared_ptr, 480


unique_ptr, 479


delete runs destructor, 502


lifetime, 450


new runs constructor, 458


object, 458463


const object, 460


delete, 460


factory program, 461


initialization, 459


make_shared, 451


new, 458


shared objects, 455, 486


shared_ptr, 464


unique_ptr, 470

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